Superior Raceways Helps Increase Palm Oil Yield

Superior precision irrigation for palm plantations

Drip Irrigation during the dry season significantly enhances farming and survival of palm plantations.

Superior Raceways is offering to build for you at your farm a raceway fish tank to grow 1,000 pieces of tilapia or catfish per harvest cycle. Water will be pumped into your fish tank by a  solar-power borehole with capacity of 12 litres of water per minute. Using waste waters from your fish tanks to drip-irrigate your palm trees will stabilize your farm and reduce your risk during dry season weather. Inconsistent rain becomes irrelevant when you use superior precision irrigation.  

Palm oil is widely used globally as a prime vegetable oil. It requires uniform soil moisture and outstanding aeration so that water and nutrients can reach the crop’s root zone efficiently. As a perennial crop with a productive lifespan of 40 years, drip irrigation is ideal for maximizing palm oil yields while keeping nutrients and water usage in check. 

When drip-irrigated at the nursery stage, palm trees get to full maturity sooner compared to other irrigation techniques or rainfed.

Why choose superior drip irrigation for oil palm?

Meet worldwide demand

Maximize growth and water productivity by drip irrigating when your crop is flowering or during pollination and fruit development. You will achieve better yields faster.

Reduce operating costs

Ensure a steady income with cost-effective automated dosing units that apply precise and uniform nutrients while reducing labor and other costs. Obtain higher yields, better quality and uniformity. Advanced and user-friendly monitoring, control and farm-management solutions optimize resource utilization, leading to increased water and nutrient savings and higher and better yields of palm oil.

Precise irrigation

Apply the right formula of soluble nutrients to the plants directly inside your irrigation system, to increase the availability of phosphates, potassium and microelements that are essential for the growth of your palm seedlings and trees.

What is the expected yield for drip-irrigated palm oil farms?

With a good drip-irrigation plan, you can reach yields of 28 to 30 tons of FFB (fresh fruit bunches) per hectare with best management practices.

Can I use fertilizers in my drip system?

Yes! Not only can you use them, but you also have full control over how much fertilizer you use. You can ensure next year’s high yields with precise and alternate nutrigation, which guarantees healthy crops today to boost your production capacity tomorrow.

Can my palm farm be irrigated remotely?

Yes. Advanced digital tools allow you to activate and manage your irrigation and macadamia nutrition from the palm of your hand, giving you remote access by mobile, tablet or computer – wherever you are.


Lower your risk and get higher and more uniform yields and better crop health with digital farming. Bring out the best in your palm plantation whatever the weather.

Ensure strong and steady palm tree growth

Control every variable of your palm plantation, wherever you are, to ensure the right amount of water and nutrients get delivered to each plant – at the right time.

Monitor, analyze and control in real time with our state of the art monitoring and management systems. Get real-time insights into your soil moisture, weather conditions and crop status, wherever you are.

Stay in remote control of your farm with durable irrigation controllers and easy-to-use mobile and cloud applications. Deliver precisely the right amounts of water and fertilizer to grow healthy, timely yields – and lower your costs.

Bring digital farming to your palm plantation!