Get more tons per hectare of sugarcane.

Average yields with drip irrigation are up to 50% higher when compared to sprinkler systems or flood irrigation, and up to 200% higher than rain-fed plantations.

Looking to increase profitability, sugarcane farmers are always after higher yields, higher sucrose content, extended ratoon life, and lower operational costs.

That is why for more than 30 years, they have been switching to drip irrigation.

Superior Raceways is offering to build for you at your sugarcane farm, a raceway fish tank to grow 1,000 pieces of tilapia or catfish per harvest cycle of three to four months. Twelve litres of water will be pumped into your fish tank per minute by a solar-power borehole we can construct for you at your sugarcane farm.

Using waste waters from your fish tanks to drip-irrigate your sugarcane will stabilize your farm and reduce your risk during dry season weather. Inconsistent or no rain becomes irrelevant when you use nutrient rich wastewater from superior raceway fish tanks to precision drip irrigate your sugarcanes.

Why choose subsurface drip irrigation for sugarcane?

Extend ratoon life

Optimal delivery of both water and nutrients reduces plant stress and significantly extends ratoon life, giving you an average of 8 to 10 cuts

Increase sucrose content

Drip irrigation can increase sucrose content by up to 2% when compared to flood irrigated or rain-fed plantations.

Optimize resources

Achieve 100% land utilization. Drip irrigates uniformly, even in the face of odd shape fields or slopes, unlike pivots which leave “dead” corners.

Produce more cane per m3 of water used

Drip irrigation delivers water directly to the root zone, preventing evaporation and runoff, so 100% of your water is used for producing cane.

Minimize labor costs

Since drip irrigation systems can be operated remotely, they require less investment in labor when compared to portable sprinkler systems or flood irrigation.

Optimize fertilizer application

Fertigation through subsurface drip places your fertilizer exactly where it’s needed, at precisely the right time, avoiding loss to leaching or excessive application

Let’s find the best solution for your sugarcane.